What is scaffolding & How to use our ABC Bundle?
We have bundled two of our most loved products, to create one easy to use bundle and make learning fun! Whether you're just starting to introduce letters, teaching letter sounds or anywhere in the middle, this bundle is perfect to use throughout the beginning years of learning!
Our ABC Bundle includes our ABC Learn & Play Mat and our ABC Circle Learning Tiles.
The Learn & Play Mat can be single use or laminated to hold up for months or even years of use. In our home, we use them both ways - our laminated version we use weekly in our homeschool room or at the table as a placemat and un-laminated versions are kept in my purse for when we are out and about and need something to do!
We keep two sets of the ABC Circle Learning Tiles - one in our homeschool room with our laminated mat and one in my purse with our on-the-go/single use version of the mat. Both sets, I printed in color on regular printer paper, laminated them and cut them out using a 1.5-inch circle punch. It's easy as print, laminate, cut, and go!
When creating these two resources, I wanted them to be used throughout the year and possibly years. Which means, there are so many uses to adapt to our child/student's age and skill level! Here is where scaffolding comes in.
In education, scaffolding is an instructional practice where a teacher gradually removes guidance and support as students learn and become more competent in a skill.
When I was a special education teacher, this is a method that I used daily in my classroom. Basically it means, in the beginning of learning you (as the 'teacher') will need to be more hands on, and as the study learns and grows in their knowledge you'll have to help/assist less and less.
Here are some activities, perfect our the ABC Bundle:
Beginnger Skills:
Sing the ABC song and point to the letters on the mat as you say each letter in the song.
Use the capital letter circle learning tiles and match them to the letters on the learn and play mat.
Using a dry erase marker, write the letters on the learn & play mat by tracing.
Name the pictures on the mat for each letter of the alphabet.
Intermediate Skills:
Using either the capital letters or the lowercase circle learning tiles, put the letters in the order of the alphabet.
Use the lowercase circle learning tiles and match them to the letters on the mat.
Using both the capital and lowercase circle learning tiles, sort them into two different piles.
Match up the lower case circle learning tiles to the uppercase circle learning tiles.
Advanced Skills:
Use the picture circle learning tiles and match them to the letters on the mat, based upon their first letter sound (the first letter in the word).
Use the circle learning tiles and put them in order of the alphabet.
(These are just a few ideas, but the learning and fun is limitless - let your imagination run wild!)
As you work through these skills over time, you'll use scaffolding each time to help promote and encourage mastery and independence in learning!